My Review

What Is A Review Meeting?

A meeting where your care and support plan is reviewed to make sure it’s meeting your needs, and if not, agree any changes that are in your best interests.

What Does An Independent Reviewing Officer Do?

The Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) chairs the review meeting. They make sure that everybody has a chance to be involved, to ask questions and say how they feel, especially you.

How Often Will I Have A Review Meeting?

  1. First review – within 4 weeks of you becoming looked after.
  2. Second review – at least 3 months later.
  3. Other Reviews – at least every 6 months.

You can speak to your reviewing officer if you want to bring a review meeting forward.

Who Would Be At My Review Meeting?

Who is there can depend on your age and your needs. More often than not it will include:

You can tell your social worker or foster carer if there is anyone that you want or do not want to be at your review meeting. Sometimes you and the IRO may agree that somebody can stay for part of the review but not all of it.

Do I Have To Go To My Review Meetings?

Your review meeting is all about you and if you’re not there you may not have as much say about the plan as you would like

No one can make you go to your review meetings, and you don’t have to stay for the whole meeting if you don’t want to. You can ask somebody to speak for you whether you’re there or not.

How Can I Have A Say About What’S Happening In My Life?

Not everyone likes speaking in front of groups of people so taking part in your review might be unnerving. There are lots of different ways you can let people know what you want and how you feel. You could:

My Voice My Review 

One of the easiest ways for you to have your say is by filling in the My Voice My Review Consultation Booklet.

You can fill this form in online:

For children and young people who are used to using infographics you can click on the link below

The form asks you about what is happening in your life and your views, wishes and feelings. If you complete the form online, it will be sent to your IRO through a secure online system with just a click of the button!

What Happens After My Review Meeting?

After your review, your IRO will send you and everyone else a copy of what was discussed and any decisions that were made. If you don’t understand what has been written or you want to talk about the meeting, you can ask to speak to your social worker or your IRO.

Who Is My Independent Reviewing Officer?

If you would like to speak with your Independent Reviewing Officer before your next meeting or would like a Review Consultation Booklet sent to you in the post, please send an email to or call 01443 490120.

Please put your name and date of birth and your Independent Reviewing Officer will get in touch.


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