RCT Forum

The RCT Forum is a group for Care Experienced young people aged 14 – 25 who are or have been looked after in Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT). The group is run by an organisation called Voices from Care.

What does the Group do?

You will be able to have an active say and a chance to talk about what it is like being in foster or residential care in Wales. You will get opportunities to discuss what is important to you as a care experienced young person e.g mental health. You will also have the chance to help promote the rights of looked after children and care leavers in Rhonnda Cynon Taf. The RCT Forum produces a newsletter for all Looked After Children.

How often does the group meet?

The group meets once a month on zoom during Covid and during non Covid restrictions In Pontypridd Rhondda Cynon Taff. Voices From Care has a Halloween, easter and Christmas events that are open to RCT Forum members and Voices From Care members – you can decide when you can attend. The more you attend the more you can get involved in!

Where does the group meet and can I get help with transport?

The group runs via Zoom during Covid restrictions and in Pontypridd near the bus station in non Coivd restrictions – so they are easy to get to! Need help with transport? We can help you! All you need to do is let us know before you attend the meeting. During Covid restrictions we will send you the zoom link beforehand when you have let us know you want to attend this keeps the zoom link private and secure.

What other opportuntites will I get?

You will have the opportunity to feed into the RCT newsletter for Young People in RCT. “Written by young people for young people.”

You will also have the opportunity to be part of the organised events throughout the year!

You will also get the change to meet and work with young people from across Wales to gain creative experience, which aim to promote the voices of looked after young people

How do I become a member?

If you are interested in joining RCT forum or would like to find out more information about Voices From Care then get in touch!
Call: 07497 391353

Twitter: @voicesfromcare

Facebook: Voices From Care Cymru

… or you can speak to your Social Worker or Independent Reviewing Officer.


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